The vegetation does not care for the late spring and remaining snow, it simply pushes through
There is still a lot of snow, but the vegetation is pushing through
And contrasts beautifully with the blue skies
Following a local farmer's advice, I'll stay South of this Fjord to avoid the strong winds coming from the North
This way I can enjoy the seafront and shelter behind the rocks for a nice lunch
An unplanned dip in the sea to rescue my mat while I was making a video reveals a really cold water. I'm glad the rocks stop the mat from going to far and saved me a swim
Figuring out how much further I should follow the seashore before heading up in the mountains
April, but still a lot of snow, melting slowly
Home of a famous Icelandic singer whose name I have forgotten
If it wasn't for the signs and the bridge, I would not know there is a road underneath
The snow is not going to stay much longer on the sea and I doubt I'll be able to cross here on my way back in a few days
Against all odds, nature finds a way
Very little ice left in this Fjord
The word "isolated" comes to mind (see the house?)
Just enough time before the sunset to build a snow wall to protect the tent from the strong winds
« Previously: Driving to the West Fjords, April 2013
Next: Hiking in the West Fjords - Day 2, Iceland, April 2013 »